Registration & Introduction | ||||||||||
QWork is used to manage the recruitment, engagement, and payment of Workers. The Extended Workforce team have developed a list of Common Roles and their normal employment status. If you are unsure if the person you are engaging is a Worker please refer to the EW SharePoint for further support on the wider Extended Workforce. International Workers QWork cannot process payment for casual work performed by individuals who are based outside of the UK. Given the complexity of administrative arrangements for engaging workers overseas please refer to the EW SharePoint. Additional Work Where a university employee is seeking to undertake additional work via the EW, they will be required to discuss this with their substantive line manager to confirm that they are safe to work additional hours without impact to their health and safety or wellbeing, or to their primary post. As a potential Hiring Manager, you should ensure that any discussions relating to offers of work are considered in line with the Common Roles and Right to Work compliance. If you are unsure of how to proceed on the above or need to check any details, please contact your School / Department Manager or [email protected] for further support. | ||||||||||
Your School Manager / Department Manager or team involved in QWork have the option to ‘Invite a Colleague’. Video Link - Introduction to QWork provides a step-by-step guide for a hiring manager joining QWork. Please refer also to the Hiring Manager Video Guides and Information sheet for up-to-date information on EW and QWork. | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 Workers can join QWork through the Join QWork option on the QWork website. If you wish to provide a New Starer Process guide, this will take a new worker through registration, right to work and includes training videos and support information. | ||||||||||
QWork performs best with Goole Chrome. You can use the following link to check the details & you will get an update like the below: | ||||||||||
As a Hiring Manager you can log in using the link on QUB QOL or directly through the website: The log in option is located on the top right of the screen when you are on the landing page for QWork. | ||||||||||
To access QWork please go to the website - Log in is located on the top right of the screen. When you are at this stage, please use the reset password option as highlighted below: | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 Employing or engaging someone who is not allowed to work in the UK is illegal. A Worker MUST complete their Right to Work (RTW) checks via QWork to be engaged in work. Right to Work checks are carried out through the registration process in QWork via ID Pal.
There are harsh penalties for failing to comply with responsibilities relating to illegal working. From 2024 these will be: For a first breach, the civil penalty will increase from £15,000 to £45,000 per illegal worker. In the case of repeat offenders, the civil penalty will surge from £20,000 to £60,000 per illegal worker. Downgrading to a B rating. The effect of this would be that no new international staff or visiting titles could be sponsored until the University carries out an action plan and has the license upgraded to an A rating again. It might also affect the University’s ability to sponsor international students. Loss of the license for repeat breaches or a failure to achieve an upgrade to an A rating. The effect of this would be that no new international staff or visiting titles could be sponsored and no current ones could be extended past their current dates. It might also result in a permanent loss of the right to sponsor international students. | ||||||||||
Right to Work checks are carried out using ID Pal, an App that workers are requested to download as part of the registration process. This is not an automated process and can take several days to complete. | ||||||||||
For a worker to view their Worker ID / Payroll Ref Number, they click on the Payroll Menu the Payroll Ref: xxx is the ID Number which is found beside their name at the top of the page. As a Hiring Manager you can view all your workers QWork ID Numbers under the Timesheet Report or under the workers profile, it’s the last 6 digits located in the URL box at the top of the page. The Worker ID Number is NOT used to access QUB Systems or for any payroll information. | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 ID Pal will accept a recently expired British or Irish passport (if it is still a true likeness, not from childhood) for the Right to Work check – an error message may appear but can be dismissed and worker can proceed with submission. Any issues please contact [email protected] for assistance.
If they do not hold a recently expired passport, if the likeness has changed, or if they have never held a passport they should send a copy of a birth/adoption certificate and an official document issued by a government agency or a previous employer stating their National Insurance number and name, together with the QWork Worker ID / Payroll Ref Number to [email protected].
A naturalised British citizen can forward a copy of their certificate of registration/naturalisation instead of a birth/adoption certificate. Visa holders must have a valid current passport in order to meet the eligibility criteria for their Right to Work Checks. Please note that this process will take longer than processing through the ID Pal. | ||||||||||
This is not part of the QWork system. If the role involves working with children and/or adults at risk you must ensure appropriate safeguarding measures are put in place, including criminal history checks, if required. Please discuss with your school/directorate office. Advice is also available from the Legal Services and Employee Relations Unit. All recruitment adverts should be reviewed in line with the University process on Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk. | ||||||||||
This is not part of the QWork system. If the role involves working with children and/or adults at risk you must ensure appropriate safeguarding measures are put in place, including criminal history checks, if required. Please discuss with your school/directorate office. Advice is also available from the Legal Services and Employee Relations Unit. All recruitment adverts should be reviewed in line with the University process on Safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk. | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 You should arrange for some form of induction at departmental level to ensure that your casual workers feel comfortable with the tasks they must do and are familiar with the work of the Team and Department. Take time to consider the needs of vulnerable workers including any young workers in the induction and ongoing engagement. If a worker discloses a medical or pregnancy issue that may require a risk assessment and / or reasonable adjustments, please read FAQs 14 & 15 below for further information. An example what you might include in an induction is provided below. Introduction Ensure workers know the details of how to carry out the work safely. Provide training requirements if required for the work. Casual workers should be provided with adequate supervision. Ensure workers know how to raise concerns and that supervisors are familiar with the possible problems due to unfamiliarity and inexperience with workers. Policies/Regulations - depending on the type of work they are engaged to do:
Emergency Arrangements Advise workers that they know what to do and where to go in an emergency:
Operational Issues Lunch/break times, seating arrangements, all facilities, smoking etc. Any practical matters such as manual handling, hazard awareness, general housekeeping, PPE, hazardous substances, equipment, tools and machinery including electrical equipment. | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 The University has a duty to accommodate reasonable adjustments if a person has a disability or long-term condition. Workers are encouraged to disclose if they have a disability or long-term condition and detail any reasonable adjustments they may require when they are registering for a role, and again are encouraged to communicate with the hiring manager when they are offered an engagement so that any adjustments can be put in place in a timely manner. In the first instance, you should arrange to speak to the worker before their first day to understand how their disability or long-term condition might impact them in the specific role and if there are any adjustments that should be put in place. If a worker has a physical disability, you will need to ensure Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (when required) are completed in a timely manner in conjunction with our Estates department. In the event of an emergency, such as the activation of the fire alarm, it is necessary that all workers are able to evacuate their place of work. Some workers who have mobility problems or visual or hearing impairments will find evacuation problematic and for those persons it is necessary that the University puts in place a Personal Evacuation Emergency Plan (PEEP). For further information or advice on if a worker may require a PEEP, contact Fire Safety - [email protected] and [email protected] | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 In the first instance, you should arrange to speak to the worker before their first day to understand how their disability or long-term condition might impact them in the specific role and if there are any adjustments that should be put in place. Most people will already know which adjustments they have previously found useful or that will be most relevant but further advice is also available from the Diversity and Inclusion Unit | ||||||||||
Assignments & Timesheets | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 Yes, you can invite someone to be a Hiring Manager on the system depending on how you would like the system to be managed within your business area. Please us the ‘invite a colleague’ link on the side menu when you are in QWork.
If an individual is to be set up as Budget Approver, this must go through the normal approval process (i.e., same as current NSP process via the Finance Director). To request Budget Approver Access on QWork please complete the following form: QWork Budget Approver Access Request Form Please note the information at the start of the form and the relevant level of approval required for the request to be processed. The form will issue to the Finance for review and when approved the QWork Team for updating on QWork. | ||||||||||
If you are Budget Approver, you can still be Hiring Manager, but you will need someone else to approve timesheets. All assignments must have at least 2 independent approvers. All assignment set up and timesheet approval process should remain separate to the individual worker engaged to do the work this includes any QUB staff engagements. Any conflicts of interest should be raised with the Budget Approvers in advance of any engagement. | ||||||||||
Yes Grades 3- 5 can act on behalf of the Hiring Manager (at G7/AC2 or above) and add the assignment to QWork. They can also form part of the timesheet approval process, but this must then also include the Hiring Manager at (G7/AC2 or above) who is taking responsibility for the approval of the work and that the hours have been worked. | ||||||||||
If the TSA is currently unavailable but back prior to monthly payroll processing date QWork Payment Schedule when the timesheets are processed, there should be no requirement to make changes to the assignments. If a TSA is unavailable for processing timesheets longer term, you can update the assignment with the new TSA name. Go to ‘Manage Assignments’ search the relevant assignment and update the TSA details. Once you have clicked update please wait, you will then be prompted on a Timesheet Update view (below) to review the details you have inputted. Ensure you review and tick the relevant options available. Then click update timesheets to save the changes. If a TSA has multiple assignments or you require support, email:[email protected]. | ||||||||||
Please contact [email protected] with details of the Hiring Manager/ TSA that has left and who the replacement Hiring Manager/TSA is. This must be provided in advance of payroll processing each month to ensure the necessary changes can be made. | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 Please use the below video and / or step by step support guide for assignment set up, duplication and managing auto declined assignments. Video Link - Process for offering an Assignment | ||||||||||
To ensure that the worker can submit the timesheet you will need to start the assignment on the date the work is expected to be carried out. You must end the assignment on the following day. Please ensure you do not put the end and start date as the same as no timesheet will generate for the worker. When creating assignments best practice is for the assignment to start on a Monday and end on Sunday, even when the assignment is only for a few hours / days during that duration. This will avoid overlapping of assignment and make it clearer for you to view as a Hiring Manager. | ||||||||||
No, QWork is future assignments only. A worker should not attend work if they have not accepted an assignment in QWork. Please contact QWork Admin if you need support on past assignments. | ||||||||||
When you set an assignment for a worker you must provide an expiry date before which the worker MUST accept or decline the assignment. An email issues through QWork once you have set the assignment it clearly shows the expiry date of the offer of work. The worker must accept or decline the assignment in QWork BEFORE the expiry date. Please review Auto Declined Assignments for further information. | ||||||||||
For assignments that have auto-declined due to the worker not accepting the assignment before the respond by date, the system now has the functionality that allows a hiring manager to amend the respond by date if the assignment has been auto-declined. If the assignment is in the future:
If the assignment is in the past: Note: Assignments where the start date is 8 weeks in the past cannot be amended.
The option to change the expiry date is only available after the assignment is showing as auto declined in your manage assignments list. | ||||||||||
You should consult the Common Roles list which describes each role. If you have any queries, please contact your EW Associate HRBP – [email protected]. This information will be used in analytics, so it is important that the correct information is entered at the assignment stage. | ||||||||||
From Monday 4th October 2021, QWork will be updated to include a minimum hour’s facility within the system. This means that, for each Assignment added to QWork, a Hiring Manager can specify the minimum and maximum number of hours that the Worker can be engaged for the duration of that Assignment. Video Link - Minimum & Maximum Assignment Hours Please view for example scenarios | ||||||||||
To get an overall view of your assignment, click into the manage assignments. You can view the ‘Status’ of the assignment which will show if it has been offered and the ‘Offer Status’ to show if the worker has accepted or declined. Workers must accept / decline the assignment BEFORE the expiry date. If showing ‘Auto Declined’ please refer to Auto Declined Assignments. | ||||||||||
Yes, all workers are entitled to Hours multiply by the Rate payment. QWork will prevent you from paying below the current statutory minimum rates. Teaching assignments linked to the TA Framework must be at the set AC1 and AC2 rates only. | ||||||||||
Updated May 2024 It is Queens University policy that QUB students are allowed to complete no more than 20 hours per week of work during term time. The University continues to recommend that students should not exceed 15 hours per week to allow them to give adequate focus to their studies. Please note that Student Visa Holders (SVH) or studentships/funding may have a further cap below 20 hours per week. In these instances, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure they adhere to their personal working hours limit and inform QWork of any changes to their limitations. For SVH’s it is essential that they do not exceed the permitted hours to work or carry out work without a current accepted assignment in QWork. This may lead to a violation of conditions stipulated on their Visa. These are general guidelines for what vacation periods are: Undergraduate students (UG): Vacation periods are generally in line with the University calendar however some courses operate extended teaching periods outside the published semester dates, e.g. medicine, dentistry. Postgraduate taught students (PGT): Vacation periods are in line with the University calendar except during summer vacation, as Masters students must study full-time to complete their dissertation. Postgraduate research students (PGR): Vacation periods do not fall in line with the University calendar and students must seek permission from their School at all times when they wish to take a vacation. All vacations will be recorded and cannot exceed 40 days per year. Please refer to the QWork SOP Student Request Variation to Weekly Working Hours Limit for the steps required to submit a request to change QUB students working hours. For further information please refer the following: QUB Students Information on QWork SharePoint Immigration Support Services Working in the UK as a Student Periods of Student, Holidays and Other Absences. | ||||||||||
QWork does not allocate Assignments on particular days/hour, rather it keeps a record of how many hours in total a Worker has been assigned within a given week. Using this tally, QWork will then automatically prevent a new Assignment being allocated to a Worker if that would mean the Worker’s total hours for the week would be exceeded, as per the restrictions set within their profile. It is therefore the responsibility of the Worker to manage their Assignments and ensure they do not accept work at a time that overlaps with another previously accepted Assignment. When you search for a Worker you can view on their maximum hours cap, the hours they are current commissioned and the remaining hours for the week. When creating assignments best practice is for the assignment to start on a Monday and end on Sunday, even when the assignment is only for a few hours / days during that duration. This will avoid overlapping of assignment and make it clearer for you to view as a Hiring Manager. | ||||||||||
Once an assignment is set up for the worker. They will receive an email setting out the terms of the engagement. The email outlines the length of the assignment, hours, rate of pay, location etc. A worker MUST log in to QWork to accept or decline the assignment. If they do not accept the assignment BEFORE the expiry date it will auto decline and cannot be amended. | ||||||||||
As a Timesheet Approver (TSA) you can send the timesheet back to the worker queried. When you are in the timesheet of the worker use the Query Timesheet button and advise in the note section what the query is. The worker will receive a notification to review the timesheet, the worker will need to resubmit with the necessary adjustment. | ||||||||||
| ||||||||||
If you have checked under 'Pending Timesheet' tab it may mean that the worker has not submitted any timesheet yet, that you are not a TSA for the assignment or that another TSA associated with the assignment needs to authorise it first. | ||||||||||
No, so long as the Hiring Manager has engaged the worker correctly (as per the Extended Workforce policy), the individual worker can continue to be engaged. For each assignment, it is the Hiring Manager’s responsibility to ensure the relationship is still that of a Worker, please refer to the Extended Workforce SharePoint for further advice. | ||||||||||
Yes, Account Codes are pre-set depending on the Job family that you have chosen. You can request additional sub analysis be added to a project code via the Qfis helpdesk [email protected] | ||||||||||
No, QWork checks a live feed from QFIS, to ensure that the Project Code and Account Code are a valid combination and that it exists in the School/Department the Hiring Manager is associated with. | ||||||||||
If a project code is made inactive during an assignment, the Worker will not be able to complete a timesheet and the Hiring Manager will need to update the assignment with new project details prior to submitting a timesheet. | ||||||||||
Please submit the request with details of the current code and the new code along with the assignment number and worker name to [email protected], requesting the change. | ||||||||||
Hiring Managers can export the following reports in QWork: 1. Timesheet Report 2. Assignment Report.
It will generate a CSV file. Filter the data to your requirements. Timesheet Reports can be used to generate information for a Hiring Manager on their workers names, 35 numbers, emails etc. Video Link - Assignment & Timesheet Reports Hiring Managers can only view the data relating to their assignments. Divisional Reports are generated at Head of Department / School Manager level only. | ||||||||||
Pay & Holidays | ||||||||||
Holiday pay is automatically added once you have inputted the rate of pay for the assignment, you will be shown an indicative rate which includes all deductions for the worker including annual leave, NI contribution and pension if applicable. Worker’s entitlement to paid holiday in each holiday year (which runs from 1 January to 31 December) is the statutory annual leave entitlement provided by the Working Time Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016, namely the equivalent of 5.6 weeks’ (capped at 28 days) paid holiday. Your assignment may include working on days that are statutory, bank and/or public holidays and there is no statutory right to paid holiday on these days. Workers must take all of holidays during the holiday year in which it accrues and carrying forward holiday is not permitted unless either agreed in advance by hiring managers or where the law allows holiday to be carried forward. The University will pay in lieu of accrued but untaken holiday entitlement at the end of each assignment calculated in accordance with the Working Time Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2016. The amount of such payment in lieu shall be one hour’s pay for each accrued but untaken hour of holiday entitlement. QWork will pay untaken leave on a quarterly basis for closed assignments:
If an assignment involves the provision of teaching support during term time (for example, as a PGTA) workers should seek to use all accrued holidays outside teaching periods and the University will refuse requests for holidays which would adversely impact on teaching schedules. Training Video on holidays for Hiring Managers Approving/Rejecting Holiday | ||||||||||
No, legally, workers are required to request their Annual Leave – we are not legally allowed to pay “rolled up” pay. | ||||||||||
If the current assignment has finished the holiday request will automatically be picked up and processed during that month’s payroll processing. | ||||||||||
All submitted & fully approved timesheets are processed by close of business on the monthly payroll cut-off date. Please refer to the QWork Payment Schedule for payroll processing and payments dates. The payment is issued to a Workers account on the last working day of the month. Workers are encouraged to submit their timesheets on a weekly basis to avoid any delay with payment processing. Timesheets submitted last minutes on payroll cut off week are at risk of not been processed that month. Hours worked & timesheet submitted by a worker for the week that payroll is closing should be processed the following month in line with the Payment Schedule. | ||||||||||
Certain roles may incur expenses which are eligible for reimbursement, and a Hiring Manager should agree this with the Worker prior to any expenses being incurred. To be eligible for reimbursement, expenses must be wholly, necessarily, and exclusively related to the performance of the duties of the employment, therefore, expenditure such as the daily commute to workplace is not eligible for reimbursement. All workers should submit expenses for reimbursement on a Request for Payment form (RFP), with supporting documentation provided if applicable. The RFP form should be approved by the Hiring Manager and sent to the School / Directorate Office. The Staff Expenses policy applies and you can find it here Staff Expenses Policy. | ||||||||||
If a worker no longer wishes to engage in QWork and have advised their current Hiring Manager of the agreed end date, then the workers can request their P45 through QWork. Under the payroll menu at the bottom of the Contract page - ‘Leaving Employment’ a worker can request their P45. The P45 will issue at the end of the month if it has been requested prior to payroll processing. The P60s will be published towards the middle of May, a hard copy will also be posted to the address provided on QWork. | ||||||||||
Recruitment | ||||||||||
Each year the Extended Workforce (EW) Team will advertise and promote QWork to the student community, advertising the types of roles that are normally available to students and encouraging them to sign up for opportunities. Schools and Directorates can also promote QWork to students specifically to meet their needs. In addition, the EW Team will advertise externally to seek specific roles which are required across the campus e.g., administration. All workers will be available to all Hiring Managers. | ||||||||||
Yes, all new opportunities must be advertised on QWork to allow an open and transparent process to all potential workers with the requisite skills, experience, and knowledge. Once an individual worker passes through a fair and equitable process, they are then available to accept worker assignments until there is no longer a need for the worker role or the worker no longer wishes to be available for work. | ||||||||||
Yes, anyone currently working on campus will be asked to register on QWork. Once they are compliant on QWork you can add them to your personal/shared registers and offer assignments straight away. Any new opportunities must be published on QWork. | ||||||||||
No, you can advertise your role (both internally and externally on Job boards). You can manage your fair and equitable process off-line and record outcomes on QWork. | ||||||||||
You should ensure that you review each applicant against the skills, knowledge, and experience that the role requires. There is no need to record the process on QWork, but you may want to maintain the records for future reference. | ||||||||||
Within QWork on your profile to left hand side select create a new Job Ad | ||||||||||
Yes, if your area has their own number/alphabetical system for job applications you can continue to use this system. If not, you can create a new reference number and use it for any future queries linked to that role. | ||||||||||
To post any details external to QWork please contact [email protected] with details of the role including the reference number. | ||||||||||
The pre-screening option is designed to streamline shortlisting and the auto rejection is a good tool on large recruitment exercises. It is not a required field in the process. When using the pre-screening questions please tick the box underneath the questions to ensure the process is applied to applicants’ responses. | ||||||||||
Within Job Adverts section click on Manage Job Ads: This page shows a list of your recently posted Job Adverts.
Hoover over each icon on the application status to confirm the update information. Select the numbers populated underneath each icon to view your applications. Under the candidates icon on your relevant Job Advert click the number to view the candiates. Applicant List & Shortlisting The profile box beside each worker will confirm their status.
Can apply for jobs, RTW must be completed to work.
By hovering over the boxes, you will be able to view a pop up of the worker information, including Full Name, photo, job preference, employment history, student / non student etc. At this point you can:
Responses & Profile View Once you have completed your shortlisting you can then filter the applications under the ‘shortlisting’ status. You must email the outcome to the worker in relation to shortlisting / interview / unsuccessful. This is not an automatic process once you select the status. The responses to the emails will go to your own email address. | ||||||||||
The option to download the list of roles and the applicant list is available. Please view the Export:CSV function on each page. | ||||||||||
No. Within QWork when the applicant is creating their profile there is document section where they can upload their CV. You can request this to be completed as part of the application within your job advert. | ||||||||||
For all job adverts placed within QWork an applicant must register in order to apply. To post externally please email the email details of the role including the reference number to [email protected] to request this permission. You can also refer any potential applicant to QWork | ||||||||||
On the landing page of QWork under ‘Current Vacancies’ and then they log into QWork they will have the below options on their menu. | ||||||||||
Please state in the Job Description the school/area that the job is advertising for e.g. School of Nursing, Academic & Student Affairs, School of Arts, English & Languages. The view for the Worker will be similar to the below: | ||||||||||
The Job Advert must first be posted. Click on Manage Job Ads. Within Manage Job Ads, click on the Job Title of the Job Advert you need the link for. Please note that Job Adverts with a DRAFT status are not live. Within the ‘Edit Job Ad form’ click on the ‘View JobAd’ link, this is just above the job title field Job Advert should now appear in a separate window. Copy the URL, this link will direct candidates to where they can apply. | ||||||||||
Access to QUB Resources | ||||||||||
Once a worker accepts an assignment in QWork, 3 days before the assignment start date the worker will receive 2 emails with their QUB System Credentials which is a 35 Number and password. One email will provide the worker number, the second email will be encrypted and contain the password. Both emails will be sent to the email address the worker registered with on QWork. It is important that when registering on QWork that workers register with an email address they can access at all times e.g. their personal email address. The first email workers receive will provide information on how to access QOL & Office 365 and the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR). This is only for QUB systems access and is not linked to their QWork access. Please be aware that a smart phone is required to use Office 365 and SSPR as multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a mandatory requirement. If a worker is expecting an email containing their credentials and does not receive the email they should contact [email protected] | ||||||||||
Workers engaged via QWork are not automatically provided with access to additional systems such as Canvas. To request access to Canvas, hiring managers must make this request via the QSIS team. The workers 35 number will also be required. Please note that when requesting access to Canvas, this can only be requested 3 days before the start of the assignment, providing the worker has accepted the assignment on QWork. | ||||||||||
Access to the QWork Integrator App for a Hiring Manager is no longer required. If a worker requires QUB System Access Credentials and the assignment was issued that before 31/10/2022 please contact the QWork Admin Team with the workers details. They will send the 35 Number & Password directly to the worker. As a Hiring Manager you can view the Workers 35 Number under a Workers Profile on QWork. Located near the top of the profile page, called Payroll No. This will be useful for requesting any additional systems access such as Canvas. Please note that when requesting access to Canvas, this can only be requested 3 days before the start of the assignment. Access to all QUB systems is for the duration of the assignment only. Timesheet Reports will also show all details for current workers – name, 35 number, email address etc. | ||||||||||
No. Hiring Managers will have to request an email address for the Worker by completing a QF/01P form. You must ensure you provide the 35 Number for the worker. If you have any queries relating to email access, please log a call with IT Service Desk. Please be aware that in line with IS policy, emails will only be retained for a period of 90 days from the end date of the workers last assignment, unless the worker accepts another assignment within that 90-day period. | ||||||||||
Workers engaged via the QWork system should NOT be added to the Additional Persons Database. Information Services will be terminating all Additional Persons accounts as soon as possible. The Worker does not need to take any action to close their Additional Persons account. The Worker should use their QUB system credentials supplied as part of their engagement on QWork. Access to specific systems/services will need to be applied to the Worker account in line with the normal process. The Worker is responsible for liaising with IS to link their QWork account to their previous email address. | ||||||||||
All email accounts associated with an old NSP/OCJ/Additional Persons account which would previously been linked to a 26 number have been discontinued. A Worker can request that their previous email account is moved to a new account by sending the request to the IT Service Desk. | ||||||||||
The Hiring Manager should contact the QSIS Team to request access using the QUB Systems Credentials (35 Number, located on QWork on the Worker Profile). If the worker has a historical account associated with a previous Additional Person Account (26 Number), the Hiring Manager can request that their access is swapped from the old 26 number to the new 35 number. The QSIS Team can be contacted on the following email address: QSIS Support – [email protected] | ||||||||||
This is not currently possible. OneDrive files should be downloaded from the old account and copied to the new worker account by the Worker themselves. In line with IS policy, emails and documents are only stored for a period of 90 days (unless the worker accepts another assignment in the 90-day period) following the end date of the workers assignment. | ||||||||||
All workers that are on assignments for the following Job Families will have access to the Library automatically:
Access is for the duration of assignments only. All access and printing options are currently managed through SmartCards. | ||||||||||
SmartCards are needed for buildings access purposes (including the Library where applicable) and for easy authentication to printing services. To request a card, send an email to [email protected] with the following details:
Please include contact details and location for delivery. The cards will be printed on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and will be added to the internal post for delivery. Cards for those the wider Extended Workforce that are NOT engaged through QWork, should continue to be added to the Additional Persons Database and the current process still exists. If you have a query relating to SmartCards please contact [email protected] | ||||||||||
Through the QUB System Access Credentials workers will have basic access to:
Payslips are currently posted to the postal address a workers provides on QWork. This information is supplied directly to a Worker when the 35 Number & Password issues. Access to QUB systems including email will be for the duration of a live assignment only. | ||||||||||
No, if a QUB staff member is engaged in casual work via QWork, they will not need new system access details e.g. 35 Number and Password, they can use their existing QUB logon credentials. In the background the QUB staff member’s number is added to QWork for payroll purposes. If a QUB staff member leaves their post during an assignment on QWork, providing they still has an active assignment on QWork a 35 number will then be generated. | ||||||||||
Certain roles may incur expenses which are eligible for reimbursement, and a Hiring Manager should agree this with the Worker prior to any expenses being incurred. To be eligible for reimbursement, expenses must be wholly, necessarily, and exclusively related to the performance of the duties of the employment, therefore, expenditure such as the daily commute to workplace is not eligible for reimbursement. All workers should submit expenses for reimbursement on a Request for Payment form (RFP), with supporting documentation provided if applicable. The RFP form should be approved by the Hiring Manager and sent to the School / Directorate Office. The Staff Expenses policy applies and you can find it here Staff Expenses Policy. | ||||||||||
General Queries | ||||||||||
Workers are provided with an option to attend training as part of their registration process. A new starter process providing training videos and information is also supplied. Workers also have access to the Online Help & Support when they register on QWork. Workers receive a welcome email once they are registered with their Worker Agreement and the steps to completing their Right to Work. | ||||||||||
Please refer to the Hiring Manager Video Guide & Information sheet or for individual or group training sessions, please contact [email protected]. | ||||||||||
If a worker has accepted an assignment but are then unable to work the hours agreed they (or someone on their behalf) must inform the Hiring Manager by telephone of the reason for the absence, as soon as possible but in any event by no later than two hours before they are scheduled to start work. For queries related to Statutory Sick Pay the worker is referred to contact the Salaries Office [email protected] | ||||||||||
If a payee moves from the NSP payroll to the QWork payroll, this means they have moved from one HMRC Pay As You Earn (PAYE) reference number to another. In the first pay month on the new payroll, their record is assessed against the relevant age and earnings eligibility criteria that is required for auto enrolment into the NEST pension scheme. A payee who does not meet the criteria, will not be auto enrolled into NEST, even if they have been a NEST member whilst on the NSP payroll. This is because their new payroll QWork record is assessed as a new contract and does not take into account previous records on different PAYE reference numbers. The Pensions Office will issue a communication to advise whether or not payees have been auto enrolled into the NEST pension scheme. Those who have not met the auto enrolment criteria will have the option to opt-in to the NEST pension scheme, and the communication they receive will provide information on this process. | ||||||||||
The Worker should be referred to the Salaries Office [email protected] | ||||||||||
As a Hiring Manager you are the first point of contact for the worker, you should ensure that you listen to any problems that they may wish to raise, please ensure you seek support from the HRPB Team. If you have concerns in relation to a Worker, then please ensure you get support on dealing with the concerns through the HPPB Team. | ||||||||||
Please refer to the Extended Workforce SharePoint for further advice or through your Extended Workforce AHRPB. | ||||||||||
The University’s Real Living Wage has been increased to a minimum of £12.00 per hour, effective from 1st April 2024. | ||||||||||
Please refer to The EW Sharepoint will identify the cohorts and provide a description of the work that fall within the TA Framework. All TA assignments should be paid at the set rates of AC1 or AC2 rate ONLY & have a HESA code inputted. | ||||||||||
HESA Information | ||||||||||
HESA is the Higher Education Statistics Agency. They collect, assure, and disseminate data about higher education (HE) in the UK. | ||||||||||
HESA works on behalf of HE providers to help them fulfil their statutory obligations to provide information to the funding and regulatory bodies. These bodies determine the data that each HE provider must return through HESA. | ||||||||||
The HESA Staff Return is an annual return and collects individualised data on the personal characteristics of staff, the details of their contracts and the activities undertaken as a result of those contracts. The staff record is collected in respect of those staff who possess one or more contracts of employment and/or for whom the HE provider is liable to pay Class 1 National Insurance contributions for that individual. The reporting period is 1 August to 31 July each year and is collected retrospectively. | ||||||||||
Teaching cohorts within QWork will require a HESA code (HESA Cost Centre) to be identified. The information is linked to the Module Codes which have been prepopulated for ease of reference. Most engagements will have 1 HESA Value of 100% confirmed which is linked to the Module Code. When offering an assignment that requires a HESA code you will be provided with the prepopulated HESA Code. You will be prompted to ensure that the sum total of all HESA values should be equal to 1. In some cases, up to 3 HESA codes can be linked to a Module Code. |
Manager FAQs Print
Modified on: Thu, 13 Jun, 2024 at 1:09 PM
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